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The Best of Enemies
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The Best of Enemies

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long is The Best of Enemies?
The Best of Enemies is 2 hr 13 min long.
Who directed The Best of Enemies?
Robin Bissell
Who is Ann Atwater in The Best of Enemies?
Taraji P. Henson plays Ann Atwater in the film.
What is The Best of Enemies about?
Based on a true story, THE BEST OF ENEMIES centers on the unlikely relationship between Ann Atwater (Henson), an outspoken civil rights activist, and C.P. Ellis (Rockwell), a local Ku Klux Klan leader who reluctantly co-chaired a community summit, battling over the desegregation of schools in Durham, North Carolina during the racially-charged summer of 1971. The incredible events that unfolded would change Durham and the lives of Atwater and Ellis forever.