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Tall Tales (2019)
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Tall Tales (2019)

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long is Tall Tales (2019)?
Tall Tales (2019) is 1 hr 30 min long.
Who directed Tall Tales (2019)?
Arnaud Bouron
Who is Marguerite in Tall Tales (2019)?
Kate Mara plays Marguerite in the film.
What is Tall Tales (2019) about?
When Apollo (Justin Long), a kind-hearted traveling performer and ingenious cricket, lands in the village of the Funny Little Bugs, the whole kingdom is about to be disrupted. The beloved reigning queen bee Marguerite (Kate Mara) is soon kidnapped on the orders of her jealous and treacherous cousin Wendy, who sets up a trap to frame Apollo for the crime, causing panic and despair in the hive.